Travel Megatrends 2019: Wellness is the New Hook in Travel Marketing

Études, International · · Commenter

We recently released our annual travel industry trends forecast, Skift Megatrends 2019.

There’s no denying that wellness is having a moment — from the organic and farm-to-table food movements to the rise of clean and natural beauty products to, you guessed it, travel. The Global Wellness Institute estimates that wellness tourism grew into a $639 billion market in 2017, and that number only stands to rise.

“I don’t think wellness is a fad, but rather it’s a change in society, and what society now expects,” said Andrew Gibson, co-founder of the Wellness Tourism Association. “We’ve seen wellness become a full-blown industry.”

To take advantage of this momentum, smart destinations have begun prioritizing wellness in their messaging, luring tourists who want to escape otherwise stressful lives or further their quest toward inner peace. And so far, it’s working: World travelers made 830 million wellness trips in 2017, 139 million more than in 2015, according to the Global Wellness Institute. If the upward trend continues — as experts predict — in 2019, the numbers could reach 1 billion.

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Source: Skift




  • Association hôtelière du Grand Montréal (AHGM) – Vincent Auclair
  • Lieberman Tranchemontagne – Marc Giroux
  • InterContinental Montréal – Louis-Philippe Talbot

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