More Properties in Europe Want the Luxury Eco-Resort Label

Hébergement, International · · Commenter

Chances are you’ve stayed in a resort that suggests you hang up your towel and reuse it, rather than tossing it on the ground. It’s usually part of the property’s oftentimes small effort to go green. While it’s a nice idea in theory and may help conserve water — plus save the hotel some money — the policy by no means makes the hotel an “eco-resort,” even if the property claims otherwise.

In this week’s feature, Skift contributor Laura Powell tries to decipher just what makes a luxury eco-resort “eco” these days. Hint: It’s not just a handful of well-intentioned, earth-friendly initiatives — like towel recycling — but more of a company mindset about environmentalism.

The eco-resort concept has been around for decades — if not centuries — and right now Europe is leading the charge, opening up new properties, and converting more casual accommodations into upscale resorts. As the category picks up speed, the big question is this: Should an eco-conscious property try and market itself as such to attract environmentally aware travelers (especially millennials and Gen Z)? Or does overhyping the eco angle make the property seem like it’s trying too hard, which could turn off guests — or worse, have it accused of greenwashing?

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Source: Skift



  • Brasserie 701 de l'Hôtel Place d'Armes – Aurore Rousseau
  • Groupe Germain – Montréal et Toronto – Paul de La Durantaye, Nicolas Lazarou et Jean-Philip Dupré
  • Palais des congrès de Montréal – Nicolas Joël
  • AQS – Catherine Rocheleau & Audrey Bouquot

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