Inside Moment Factory: The Montreal Studio That's Changing the World

International, Attraits/Activités, Marketing · · Commenter

Moment Factory is a studio at the height of its powers.

Based in Montreal, but with international branches spreading across the Northern Hemisphere, the award-winning multimedia and entertainment studio creates, well, moments: visceral, visual experiences that aim to reassess the way you interact, physically and mentally within a given environment. While this may seem like a lofty goal, Moment Factory has been operating with this mandate for over 15 years. Their tagline? “We do it in public.”

Tapped by the likes of Madonna, Nine Inch Nails, Muse, JAY-Z, Cirque de Soleil, and Jean Paul Gauthier to produce their live performances and experiences, the studio has over 400 shows under their belt — a testament not only to the company’s creative drive, but their inexhaustible productivity. Founded in 2001 by Sakchin Bessette and Dominic Audet, the company has grown at an exponential rate — expanding from 15 to over 250 full-time employees, all the while staying rooted in Montreal soil.

Moment Factory is continuously adding to their roster of creative and technical masterminds. Priding itself on hiring talent that are both “serious, but crazy”, this call attracts people from all walks of life but who possess the same, inherent drive: to transform daydreams into palpable experiences. This year, the studio played an integral role in turning Montreal into a city ripe with celebration for the city’s 375th anniversary, as well as the country’s 150th by transforming the Jacques-Cartier bridge into “an urban data-responsive light installation engineered to reflect the digital pulse of the city.” It’s big, it’s bold, it’s illuminative; much like the studio itself

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Source: The Main



  • Brasserie 701 de l'Hôtel Place d'Armes – Aurore Rousseau
  • Groupe Germain – Montréal et Toronto – Paul de La Durantaye, Nicolas Lazarou et Jean-Philip Dupré
  • Palais des congrès de Montréal – Nicolas Joël
  • AQS – Catherine Rocheleau & Audrey Bouquot

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