WEBINAIRE GRATUIT: Opening up a new world of modern retailing in travel le 28 septembre à 11h

À l'agenda, Marketing · · Commenter

The travel industry is on the cusp of a significant digital transformation. One that is making the travel shopping experience more modern and fit to the needs of today’s consumer. One that will rebuild travel. What role will technologies like NDC play in this transformation? Should we accelerate, start or stop NDC? And now that the foundation of NDC has been laid, what’s next? In this webinar, you'll hear from some of the world's most innovative travel companies from across the globe and where they stand on the debate of NDC and how the travel distribution landscape is changing.

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  • Association hôtelière du Grand Montréal (AHGM) – Vincent Auclair
  • Lieberman Tranchemontagne – Marc Giroux
  • InterContinental Montréal – Louis-Philippe Talbot

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