Time to connect Big Data with hotel visuals

Hébergement, International, Marketing · · Commenter

Today’s travelers are starting to expect a personalized experience throughout all stages of travel – something that the emergence of “big data” is helping to lead.

Not only is there some degree of expectation, but apparently 74% of consumers feel frustrated when website content is not personalized.

This shows us that in the evolving world of travel marketing, big data must be utilized in order to please (and convert) our target audience.

Numerous companies are collecting consumer data – past searches, purchases, tracking cookies, loyalty programs, etc. – but the travel industry is still determining HOW, exactly, to use this data.

In terms of hotel visuals, big data needs context. Rather than attempting to appeal to everyone, your visuals should be specifically targeted towards each particular consumer persona. Knowing who they are and what they are interested in can help you to streamline your content to pique their interest.

For example, if you’ve gathered data on a particular consumer (tracking cookies, reward profile, Facebook, etc.) that tells you that they have kids and are most likely searching for a family vacation, you wouldn’t want to show them images of romantic dinners and honeymoon suites.

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Source: Tnooz



  • Association hôtelière du Grand Montréal (AHGM) – Vincent Auclair
  • Lieberman Tranchemontagne – Marc Giroux
  • InterContinental Montréal – Louis-Philippe Talbot

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