The First Flying Car Company Selling Commercial Models...

International · · Commenter

This week, flying car manufacturer PAL-V has officially started the sales of its commercial models, the Liberty Pioneer and Liberty Sport. The first commercial flying car in the world is now a fact. Images of the PAL-V Liberty are now available on the PAL-V website.

"After years of hard work, beating the technical and qualification challenges, our team succeeded in creating an innovative flying car that complies with existing safety standards, determined by regulatory bodies around the world," says Robert Dingemanse, CEO of PAL-V.

Following the successful test programs of their concept vehicles in 2009 and 2012, PAL-V started designing the commercial products.

PAL-V is now nearing an exciting phase for its continued business growth, namely fulfilling the first client orders. While other flying car manufacturers' concepts require modified regulations and in many cases not yet existing technologies, PAL-V deliberately chose to engineer, design and build a flying car with proven technologies and fully compliant with existing regulations. This leads to a first product delivery date that is realistic and imminent

The new model design has a distinct Italian flair, thanks to collaborations with leading Italian design agencies. It incorporates a unique dual engine propulsion that further increases the safety of the PAL-V Liberty. While driving, the lowered suspension and tilting "cockpit" adds to the sports car feel. A novel design approach serves to avoid a number of common pilot errors by design, making the PAL-V Liberty very safe and easy to operate.

"Later in 2017 we will start building a preproduction series followed by the manufacturing of the first PAL-V Liberty's for our early 'pioneer' clients. Deliveries of road and air certificated models are scheduled by the end of 2018. This truly is a pivotal time in aviation and mobility history," adds Dingemanse.

The PAL-V Liberty has a strong appeal in the North American markets where Mark Jennings-Bates, VP of Sales of NorthAmerica, has introduced the PAL-V model to selected clients in Canada, USA, Mexico and Bermuda.

"We are very pleased with the response so far. Now that the new design is public I expect to see an even greater interest stemming from North America which has a propensity for early adoption in innovative products," says Jennings-Bates.

More information and high res images at PAL-V.

Source: PAL-V International B.V.



  • Brasserie 701 de l'Hôtel Place d'Armes – Aurore Rousseau
  • Groupe Germain – Montréal et Toronto – Paul de La Durantaye, Nicolas Lazarou et Jean-Philip Dupré
  • Palais des congrès de Montréal – Nicolas Joël
  • AQS – Catherine Rocheleau & Audrey Bouquot

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