New Orleans rewrites destination marketing by creating social content for locals to share

International, Marketing · · Commenter

New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation’s campaign promoting the Mardi Gras festival of 2019 encapsulates its revamped approach to destination marketing: create and curate artistic, distinctive films and visuals that locals — not just tourists — will be inclined to share.

The latest set of campaign films arrive off the back of "One Time in New Orleans", the Louisianan tourist board’s celebration of the city’s tricentennial year. Now, the messaging has evolved to become "Leave With a Story, Not Just a Souvenir", a campaign that digs deep into the destination’s "elegant grit" to uncover legends that even locals may not have heard of before. 

The first piece of social content to arrive in the 301st year of New Orleans is The North Side Skull & Bone Gang, a 90-second video documenting the group of locals who dress as skeletons and wake the city up on the morning of Mardi Gras. It was produced by agency-of-record 360i, however the footage was edited from a longer documentary from filmmaker Victoria Rivera.

The tourist board hopes the cinematic shots and the idiosyncratic nature of the story will encourage the locals to share out of civic pride, in turn becoming its own cost-effective distribution network.

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Source: The Drum



  • Brasserie 701 de l'Hôtel Place d'Armes – Aurore Rousseau
  • Groupe Germain – Montréal et Toronto – Paul de La Durantaye, Nicolas Lazarou et Jean-Philip Dupré
  • Palais des congrès de Montréal – Nicolas Joël
  • AQS – Catherine Rocheleau & Audrey Bouquot

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