FAME (Festivals et Événements Majeurs) a demandé aux partis politiques fédéraux de répondre à la question suivante...

LA QUESTION: Soutenir la croissance: votre parti s'engagera-t-il à faire en sorte que le secteur des événements puisse être concurrentiel afin d'attirer les touristes sur un marché international en pleine croissance, et ce, à travers un programme dédié pour soutenir leur croissance?

Help Them Grow: Will your party be committed ton ensuring that the events industry will be able do compete to attract tourists in a rapidly-growing international market; through a dedicated program to support their growth?



To support more festivals, large-scale and community-based celebrations and commemoration initiatives, Budget 2019 proposes to provide $24 million over two years, starting in 2019–20, to the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage Program and the Celebration and Commemoration Program.

These types of events bring Canadians together, and help foster a stronger sense of connection between diverse Canadians—especially those from underserved and underrepresented communities—while underscoring our shared interests and values.

To support the production of more artistic events across the country, Budget 2019 also proposes to provide $16 million over two years, starting in 2019– 20, to the Canada Arts Presentation Fund. This Fund supports not-for-profit professional performing arts organizations—including festivals and performing arts series—in all regions of the country, and provides targeted support for the Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. This investment will provide support for professional festivals and performing arts series, as well as emerging arts presenters in underserved areas, and will help support the activities of the Confederation Centre of the Arts. Collectively, this will help bring the talents of Canada’s live performers to more communities across the country, giving more Canadians a chance to see, hear and celebrate Canadians’ talents. 

Under this Liberal government, we launched Canada’s Tourism Vision, a whole -of- government approach to growing international tourism. The federal tourism strategy was built off the vision and focused on job creation and generating further economic benefit from the sector to the Canadian economy.

We have also launched the Advisory Council on Jobs and the Visitor Economy. The thirteen-member council, chaired by Frank McKenna, former Premier of New Brunswick, worked with the tourism sector to recommend ways to increase job creation and economic benefits within the tourism sector. We hosted a series of cross -country roundtables with front-line tourism stakeholders who voiced their support for a government that is actively engaging with them as they try to expand the sector and bring it much needed credibility and jobs.

We will help people living in communities that rely on tourism get the infrastructure their communities need.

Tourism in Canada is strong and growing. Last year, Canadian communities of all sizes welcomed more than 21 million international visitors, supporting local economies and good, middle class jobs. At the same time, communities that see a big influx of visitors can sometimes find it hard to keep up with local needs – like adequate housing and community spaces. To help these communities better serve their residents, we will build on the new

Federal Tourism Growth Strategy and move forward with a Tourism Community Infrastructure Fund to invest $100 million in the local needs of communities that rely on tourism, over the next four years. These funds will be delivered and managed through regional economic development agencies. 


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Les néo-démocrates savent que les données à l'appui des grands événements, des foires et des expositions sont désuètes et reposent souvent sur des données qui datent de plus de 10 ansUn gouvernement du NPD entreprendrait une étude sur les répercussions des grands événements et festivals sur l'industrie du tourisme au Canada afin que nous puissions mieux comprendre comment le gouvernement fédéral peut appuyer l'industrie.

Les néo-démocrates étudieraient l'idée d'ajouter une section sur les grands événements au Fonds pour les expériences canadiennes (FEC). Avec un financement limité par le biais du FEC, de nouveaux fonds seraient nécessaires pour que les grands événements et festivals n'aient pas à faire concurrence aux organismes régionaux qui font déjà un travail précieux.


Oui. Le Bloc Québécois a toujours considéré les festivals et le tourisme qu’ils attirent comme un moteur de notre économie. Le Bloc Québécois est d’accord pour ajouter un sixième pilier au Fonds pour les expériences canadiennes : le volet événement. Le budget alloué à ce fonds devra être bonifié pour ne pas pénaliser les autres volets.


Yes, Green Members of Parliament (MPs) will ensure that have programs in place to support their growth. Few sectors have such a small ecological footprint but deliver such multi-faceted benefits to communities and our national identity as the arts and culture. A Green government will ensure that they are integral to the green economy.

The Green Party understands that our future, our sense of who we are as a nation, depends on policies that ensure a thriving, diverse, and socially responsible cultural community as part of an inclusive Canada. Green MPs will increase funding to all of Canada’s arts and culture organizations. In addition to increased funding to all of Canada’s arts and culture organizations,

Greens will seek increased or new funding for: Artists and art events that tour Canada’s rural regions; Incentives in all provinces and territories to restore and improve arts and culture components in schools and extracurricular activities; and, Restoring a government-provided transport service that allows the transport of exhibitions between museums and galleries.